By Mats Eirik Hansen

The HVSC Collection

The HVSC collection provides support for using and managing a local copy of the High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC). Compared with generic collections it has the following additional functionality:

  1. Support for the HVSC folder structure.
  2. Support for downloading the HVSC collection.
  3. Support for the HVSC provided song length database.
  4. Support for the HVSC provided SID Tune Information List (STIL database).


Initially the HVSC collection is configured to be located in Music/RetroPlayer/HVSC and you can download it in its info window.

If you already have the collection located somewhere else, you can change its location.

When songs are added to the collection, which happens the first time a file in the collection is added to a playlist, the play queue or just the library, the HVSC can use information from the STIL database to modify the name and the artist of the songs.

For the name there are three options:

  1. Combine the name from the SID file with the name from the STIL database. So for subsong 6 of the Last_Ninja.sid SID it will combine The Last Ninja from the SID file with with The Wastelands from the STIL database into The Last Ninja - The Wastelands. The names will not be combined if the name from the SID file is identical to the name from the STIL database.
  2. Use only the name from the SID file.
  3. Use only the name from the STIL database. The name from the SID file will be used if there is no name in the STIL database.

For the artist there are two options:

  1. Use the artist from the SID file.
  2. Use the artist from the STIL database. The STIL database can have different artists for different subsongs. So subsong 6 of Last_Ninja.sid SID will have Ben Daglish as the artist while subsong 9 will have Anthony Lees. The artist from the SID file will be used if there is no artist in the STIL database.

STIL Song Information

An additional STIL tab is available in the song information window for songs in the HVSC collection.