By Mats Eirik Hansen

Main Window

The main window
The main window

The main window has three different styles that can be selected in the View menu.

This documentation will focus on the two modern styles which are available on macOS Yosemite (10.10) and later.

The main window consists of up to four parts.

Main View

The main view displays a playlist, a collection, the play queue or the library. Collections, the play queue and the library can be seen as specialized playlists so the term playlist will in this documentation often include them as well.

The main view has a header that shows the playlist name, image and a set of buttons:

The context menu for the main view header
The context menu for the main view header

Playlists can be displayed in several different ways:

The playlist view type pop-up menu
The playlist view type pop-up menu

How a playlist is displayed can be selected in the View menu or from a pop-up button in the main view header. The selection is playlist specific so that playlists can be displayed in a way that is suitable for their content.

Table of Songs

The main view with a table of songs
The main view with a table of songs

This view will show a detailed table of the songs in the playlist. The columns may be rearranged and which columns to show can be configured by right-clicking a column header or from the View Options window that can be opened from the View menu.

View options for a table of songs
View options for a table of songs

Right-clicking on a single song or a selection of songs will open a menu with operations to perform on the songs.

The context menu for the table of songs
The context menu for the table of songs

Songs can be dragged and then dropped on:

When displaying a collection, the table is divided into a Songs section and a Files section where the Files section is a browsable tree view of the files and folders in the collection.

Main view with a table of songs in the HVSC collection
Main view with a table of songs in the HVSC collection

List of Grouped Songs

This view shows a more stylized list of songs with only song name, subsong number and duration columns.

Main view with a list of grouped songs
Main view with a list of grouped songs

Songs can be grouped by:

The grouping criterion is selected in the Group Songs By submenu in the View menu, and the selection is playlist specific so that playlists can be displayed in a way that is suitable for their content.

Group songs by submenu
Group songs by submenu

Each group gets a header with a name based on the grouping criterion, an image from the first song with an image, if the grouping is by name or game and demo, and buttons for operating on all songs in the song group.

The context menu for the song group header
The context menu for the song group header

The buttons in the song group header can be configured to only be shown when hovering the mouse pointer over the song group header in the View Options window. The View Options window can be opened from the View menu.

View options for a list of grouped songs
View options for a list of grouped songs

The song group image can be dragged and then dropped on:

The song group image can be changed by dragging and dropping an image file on it. Changing the song group image will also change the image for all songs in the group.

Albums of Grouped Songs

Main view with albums of grouped songs
Main view with albums of grouped songs

This view shows grouped songs as a grid of albums where the albums are created by grouping songs by:

The grouping criterion is selected in the Group Songs By submenu in the View menu, and the selection is playlist specific so that playlists can be displayed in a way that is suitable for their content.

Group songs by submenu
Group songs by submenu

The album title is based on the grouping criterion, the subtitle is based on the artists of the songs in the album, and the album image is from the first song with an image if grouping is by name or game and demo, or a placeholder image with the album title.

The album image can be dragged and then dropped on:

The album image can be changed by dragging and dropping an image file on it. Changing the album image will also change the image for all songs in the album.

Hovering the mouse pointer over the album image reveals four buttons.

Album with buttons
Album with buttons

Right-clicking on the album image opens the same menu as pushing the ellipses button.

Album context menu
Album context menu

Double-clicking the album image displays the album as a playlist.

The size of the album images can be changed in the View Options window that can be opened from the View menu.

View options for albums of grouped songs
View options for albums of grouped songs

Albums of Playlists

Main view with albums of playlists
Main view with albums of playlists

This view is similar to Albums of Grouped Songs but is only applicable to the library and playlists folders.

The albums will be created from the playlists in the library or playlist folder.

The album title is the playlist name, the subtitle is based on the artists of the songs in the album and the album image is the playlist image.