By Mats Eirik Hansen

The Modland Collection

The Modland collection provides support for searching for and downloading files from the Modland module archive.

Downloaded files are stored in Music/RetroPlayer/Modland.

Modland stores music files in folders named after the artist so RetroPlayer will use that folder name as the artist name if the artist name can’t be determined by other means.


The Modland collection only allows the standard collection properties image, name and accent color to be configured.


To search for and browse files the collection must be displayed as a table of songs. The table will be divided into a Songs and a Files section where the Files section is a browsable tree view of the files and folders in the Modland module archive.

The standard search field can be used to filter the songs, files and folders shown. All files within a matching folder will be shown.

Double-clicking on a file will download the file, add all songs found in the file to the library and then replace the play queue with the found songs.

Right-clicking on a file shows a context menu.